TACCP/VACCP Threat and vulnerability assessments - food fraud and food defence: a practical guide

Leathers, Richard

TACCP/VACCP Threat and vulnerability assessments - food fraud and food defence: a practical guide - Chipping Campden: Campden BRI, 2019 - 76p. - Campden and Chorleywood Food Research Association Guidelines, No.72 .

Vulnerability and threat assessments have gained significant prominence in the food industry due to recent high profile food incidents and updated requirements for retailers and standards. This document reflects the principles and practices of TACCP (Threat Assessment Critical Control Point), VACCP (Vulnerability Analysis Critical Control Point) and other methods employed in the assurance of food safety and security. Focus is provided for food businesses to assist them in conducting a threat or vulnerability assessment study, and identifying the major elements to consider. key points are illustrated with examples and case studies.


Food safety
Supply chains
Risk management


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